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About Our Pastor

Rev. Derrick Davis, Senior Pastor

    "The Real G Man", or "The Real Godly Man", is what  describes the many hats worn by Pastor Derrick Davis, the proud undershepherd of the Tabernacle of Praise Missionary Baptist Church.  His passionate, humble, and gifted attributes embrace a character that is just right to transform lives of those searching for a more meaningful and deeper relationship

with the Lord Jesus Christ, for those seeking the real truth,  and to build the Kingdom for Jesus Christ.


    His out-of-the-box approach to ministry reaches across age barriers, genders and denominations. He believes that, "we cannot contain an information searching IPOD generation with an 8 track ministry". Because of this, Pastor Davis is dedicated to transitioning the church to meet needs of the young, middle-agedand seasoned saints in the house.  The unsaved are at the very apex of his agenda.


He is the eighth son born to William Davis and the late precious Mother Gloria Jean Davis.  As a husband, Pastor Davis has been married for 27 years to Glenda Davis, affectionately recognized as “The Fragrance” of Tabernacle of Praise.  As a father, he and Lady Glenda are proud parents of three amazing children: Derrius, and  twins; Glenise and Derren who are dedicated to the ministry as well.


With divine dignity, Pastor Davis accepted his call to preach the Gospel on February 23, 2003.  Expeditiously, God elevated him to Youth Pastor under the leadership of Pastor B.C. Brooks of Praise of Zion Baptist Church who was given an unction from the Holy Spirit to have Pastor Derrick licensed on March 30, 2003, and ordained by  June 1, 2003.  Because God needed a leader for His flock, his pastoral journey was to organize the Saints and lead them as their moderator and Pastor of the Tabernacle of Praise Missionary Baptist Church on October 29, 2003.

It is no wonder then that such an illustrious Pastor would be committed to providing for saints and sinners relevant, functional unadulterated messages generated from God and His immutable Word.  He is a captivating orator bound and determined to teach the truth.


    Engaged in a life of learning, Pastor Davis graduated from Hamilton High School in 1985 and Jett Barber and Business College in 1989; he has taken valuable leadership courses from the University of Memphis and Christian Brothers College.  For over 30 years he has enjoyed a career at Federal Express Corporation and now serves as a Program Administrator in Human Resource  ~ Diversity and Affinity Group, located at FedEx World Head Quarters in Memphis, Tennessee.

Pastor Derrick Dewayne Davis shares:

God is,  ”the Joy and the Strength of his life”.

When people hear him minister, he wants them to… “look deeper than the surface-[and] find out what God is saying to them.”

The best part of what he does ” is working for the Savior, and serving as His mouthpiece daily".

The worst part of what he does is explained that ”people can’t see my heart, [or] the way I feel about the Lord and them.”

He preaches because "of my divine assignment and certainty [that] I am chosen. 

When I get to Heaven… I am going to say Lord, Thank You for all you have done for me.”

He is: OUR Senior Pastor, authentic, genuine, successful, and cool.

The Real G’ Man

Derrick Dewayne Davis

Email Pastor Derrick Davis at


PRAYER LINE: (712)770-4837 MON-FRI   ACCESS CODE: 293029

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