Our Church History

On August 23, 2003, forty- two (42) disciples joined together to establish a Baptist Church, one that would be built on a solid foundation of proclaiming God’s Word through "The Five-Fold Ministry" which includes: Ministry, Discipleship, Evangelizing, Mission, Ministry, and Worship. For the next twelve (12) weeks these disciples worked together to organize under the supervision of the Holy Spirit through Pastor Derrick D. Davis, to complete what God had ordained. These meetings were held at Greenlaw Community Center and concluded on October 29, 2003. Under the Baptist banner, the St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church and its Pastor, Rev. J.C. Bachus also joined together with the Memphis District as well as the National Baptist Congress to give birth to the Tabernacle of Praise. On September 5, 2004, under the appointed pastoral leadership of Senior Pastor Derrick Davis ( October 2003), the Tabernacle of Praise Missionary Baptist Church (THE TOP) disciples purchased, renovated, and relocated to (the Salvation Army Center) 306 S. Somerville St., in Memphis, Tennessee, calling this location its spiritual home. It is here at this location, that the disciples of the Tabernacle of Praise will continue to experience God’s presence, execute God’s purpose, and spread it in our homes, in our family life, and in our community. As part of Our Outreach ministry, doors were open for Pastor Derrick Davis and the TOP family to begin teaching, witnessing, and preaching the word of God in the Linden and Camilla Towers each Sunday. Also during the year, Pastor Davis appointed Bro. Leon Ware as a Deacon for his dedicated service and work for the ministry.
On January 12, 2005, the church came together again to purchase vacant land that was located behind the church. Seed offerings came from members throughout the congregation and the church paid cash for this land, which will be used for future growth and parking lots. Over the next few months, the church continued to grow. The church would purchase a new computer, office furniture, and supplies as God gives the increase. On September 15, 2005, the disciples came together again bringing seed offerings to make a down payment for the land located on Linden. This would be a part of the vision given to Pastor Derrick Davis: The Building Of The Tabernacle.
On September 25, 2006, the church would finalize payments for the land on which it had put a down payment one year ago. God has blessed TOP to continue to grow, over the last twelve months God called four ministers to work in the vineyard under the leadership of Pastor Davis. God again has his hand on THE TOP. October 22-26, 2007, seven Executive Council members journeyed with Pastor Derrick Davis to attend Dr. I. V. Hilliard’s Church Development Strategies conference in Houston, Texas at New Light Christian Church. As a result of attending this conference, Pastor Davis and the leadership of the church obtained valuable information to share with the congregation and friends of the Tabernacle of Praise. During the past five years, from 2003 to 2008; Tabernacle of Praise Missionary Baptist Church continues to educate and equip disciples: every year more than forty disciples commit to attend the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education Conference. On July 6, 2008, Tabernacle of Praise purchased the final parcels of land surrounding the church which is inclusive of Vance, Somerville, and Linden streets.
In 2009, the church started building stronger Ministries where the central focus would be preparing for church growth with new and viable leadership. Attention was given specifically to youth ministry, benevolence, and outreach. Our 2010 brought much celebrating in the 7th year with a 7-point celebration (men, women, boys, girls, old, young, and the community) during 90 days (October to December): called “Remembering THE Journey”; something spiritual and creative happened for all involved. Special memorabilia included a professionally produced DVD, (also named “Remembering the Journey”); that embodied the first 7 years of Tabernacle or Praise's life, beautiful Silver/Gold and purple/ gold TOP pens, clear and blue backpacks, and elegant glasses bearing the churches’ crest engraved in gold to commemorate this historical time.
2011 was a busy year that included many "firsts" for the Tabernacle of Praise. New leaders were installed during the month of January, Pastor and Lady Glenda were sent to San Juan, Puerto Rico as an anniversary gift from the church, we celebrated the Memphis District Association for 75 years as a Baptist fellowship. Our new discipleship class was reorganized to better serve those desiring to become a part of the church. Pastor Davis also began training/preparing Ministers and Deacons for ordination in 2012. Our fall Revival/Festival and Community parade was a huge success as it brought neighbors, businesses, church law enforcement, and other public servants together in one location.
Since 2012 Tabernacle of Praise has continued to grow.
Each year at the TOP, the Pastor's Vision and yearly theme for the church is announced to the disciples. Below is a list of our yearly themes since 2003. Each year, we are proud to say that we have grown tremendously all because of the Lord.
Our Yearly Themes
1. The Year of Restoration – 2004 – Leviticus 6:4
2. The Year of Obedience, Sacrifice, and Commitment – 2005 Deuteronomy 27:10
3. The Year of Empowerment - 2006 - Matthew 28:18
4. The Year of Excellence - 2007 – I Corinthians 12:31
5. The Year of Perfection - 2008- Ephesians 4:12
6. Expecting Greatness – 2009 – Deuteronomy 5:24
7. The Year Manifestation – 2010 – Romans 8:19
8. The Year to Live - 2011- I John2-3
9. The Year of Purpose - 2012 – Psalm 127:1-2
10. The Year of Exaltation - 2013 - Psalm 34:3
11. The Year of Faithfulness - 2014 – Lamentation 3:21-24
​12. The Year of Impact - 2015 – Colossians 3:23
13. The Year of Abundant Love - 2016 – 1 Corinthians 13:13
14. Better Things in 2017 - Romans 8:28
15. Jubilee and Celebration -2018 - Psalm 150:1
16. Year of Me, My Family, and My Faith -2019- Joshua 24:15
17. Write the Vision- 2020- Habakkuk 2:2
18. L.I.F.E. Live In Favor Everyday-2021- John 10:10
19. The Year of Victory-2022-Psalm 98:1
20. The Year to Rejoice -2023 -1 Thessalonians 5:16
21. The Year to W.I.N. - 2024 Ephesians 6:11
22. Live Your BEST Life -2025- Deuteronomy 18:11-14